Uri McMillan
“Antonio Lopez’s Grids of Desire: Design, Texture, and Instamatic Color”
April 25, 2023
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Uri McMillan is an Associate Professor of Performance Studies in the Departments of English and Gender Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of Embodied Avatars: Genealogies of Black Feminist Art (NYU Press, 2015), the winner of three prestigious book prizes, the William Sanders Scarborough Prize from the Modern Language Association (MLA), the Barnard Hewitt Award for Outstanding Research in Theater History, and the Errol Hill Prize for Outstanding Research in African-American theater/drama, both from the American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR). In addition, he has published essays in Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, and ASAP/Journal and articles on Black diasporic artistic production in museum/gallery-based publications for the Studio Museum in Harlem, Aperture Foundation, MCA Chicago, and the Brooklyn Museum.

Hypatia Vourloumis
“Forming the Formless: International Resonances”
March 28, 2023
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Hypatia Vourloumis is a performance theorist working across experimental writing, anticolonial, feminist, critical race theory, and queer studies; music, poetics, philosophies of language; sound studies and popular culture. She received her PhD in performance studies at New York University, conducted postdoctoral research at the Interweaving Performance Cultures Research Centre at Free University in Berlin (2012-14), and was a 2016 fellow at the Research Center for the Humanities in Athens. She is co-editor of the performance research journal On Institutions and has published in journals, art catalogues and edited volumes including Women & Performance, Ephemera, and Theatre Journal. She is the author, with Sandra Ruiz, of Formless Formation: Vignettes for the End of this World (Minor Compositions, 2021), and currently working on Paralinguistic Insurgencies, a monograph on postcolonial Indonesian performance, and a book on minor contemporary Greek art entitled Bad Athena.